MDF Remade

Recycled MDF waste

MDF Remade is a recycled product based on MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) waste and end of life products from the furniture and construction industry.

MDF Remade consists of MDF waste that is transformed into boards and ready-to-use tabletops.

The product supports customers committed to more sustainable practices. 

First industrial initiative

MDF Remade is the first industrial initiative to offer a 100% recycled MDF product helping the industry finding alternative use for their MDF scrap.

Product advantages

MDF Remade is the consious choise
Saves scrap from being incinerated

MDF is commonly used in the furniture and construction industries.

Every year, large quantities of MDF waste are generated, either as production offcuts or as “end of life” products.

In most cases the waste is being incinerated.

100% recycled

MDF Remade is produced from 100% recycled materials.

100% green energy

Energy used in the production is 100% green.

100% dry

No water is added in the production process.

100% local

The product is sourced and produced locally in Denmark.

Saves scrap from being incinerated
100% recycled
100% green energy
100% dry
100% local

MDF waste

MDF Remade

Can we help you?

We advise our customers on how to develop the best possible product from a given material.  

Whatever your idea is – tell us and we will help you find a solution. 


Peter Simonsen
