Every fiber matters

Convert is a production company dedicated to helping our customers towards a more sustainable and responsible business.

In close partnerships, we develop innovative and sustainable products from raw materials – many of which are neither used nor recycled today.

With more than 15 years in the business, we have built solid experience of processing all kinds of materials.

We reuse, recycle and rethink every fiber.

We want to make a difference

Waste and excessive use of virgin materials present significant challenges to our planet.

For years governments and international organisations have implemented regulations to minimize waste, reduce CO² emissions, reuse resources and decrease the reliance on virgin materials. 

Also the population are increasingly aware of the environmental challenges and ask for products that contribute to a cleaner world.

Sustainable development

We work to support the UN’s sustainable development goal number 12, which means ensuring responsible consumption and production patterns.

We explore how end of life resources can be used to make new products with the aim to reduce the amount of waste on earth through recycling and circular processes.

Our cases

See what we can do for you

Kvadrat Really

Textile to tabletops


Eelgrass to acoustic panels

MDF Remade


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